The rawness and the feeling of "This is what we got so far." In Newgrounds was legendary back then.
I remember watching Madness series, Joe the zombie, eddsworld, any random cartoons from Egoraptor or Spazkid or even OneyCartoons and huh.. Mature section. (That's what it was called back then lol)
Everything on NG had this vibe, this distinct side of Internet that was literally before any social media crap or
the youtube monopolizing everything in and out from the web.
Numanuma Guy started on NG
too. Then he posted his video on Youtube and things went with that.
I dunno, Newgrounds with flash animation and flash games. Was like peanutbutter and jelly on
your morning sandwich. Nothing was close to be similar like NG in the 2000s to 2020..
Then Adobe killed the goose to get the golden eggs. And say: "I think we can't get another egg now.."
I fucking wish there was a Flash spirit successor, and made public this time.
Meaning by that, everyone can make art with it and own their shit from it.
I dunno, nobody likes free stuff anyway. Better slap a 50$ and then you write "You can get it now for 30 days free."
But the 30 days free loop back by mistake.