She was perfect.
He was not.
But she loved him since the beginning.
The only problem, is that she was a vampire and he was not.
For her race, humans was only food.
But she never seen him as such.
In fact, she wanted but only to live her entire life with him.
His name was Ethan, and her name was Eve.
They both were at the same college, and study art, at night.
Of course at night..
But the thing was, maybe Ethan loved her too.
In fact, she was too perfect for him to even think about the idea to ask her out. Maybe.
It as been like this for what, 6 months now. And he never dare to say the words she was
Like "Hi, wanna go on a date?" or "Hey, sexy. Ever wanted to make a baby together?"
That was just her thinking like this. Wondering if he ever was going to make the first move.
But one day, Eve dropped her pencil and Ethan noticed it. He pick it up and give it back to her.
"Thanks." She says to him.
"No problem." Says Ethan.
Then he went back to his place and never dare to talk to her. She sigh in disappointment.. Was he that bad at making conversations?
1 week later.. 2 weeks later.. And he was still like this. Not trying to make any move. And the worst part, is that he was single and was pretty cool. But lacked some confidence.
It was not enough, she wanted more action with him.
So one day, she dropped some blue paint in accident on him and herself.
"Sorry. I am so clumsy.." Says Eve.
"Huh.. It's alright." Say Ethan as he look at his pants covered in blue paint.
"Can I ask you something out of the blue?" She says almost as a joke.
"Ahah, sure." He says as he tries to laugh.
"Are you busy all the time?" She nervously ask.
"Mmh? Not really.. But I work sometimes." He replies instantly.
"Oh, ok. Well let me just pick some water and a piece of cloth." She says and go pick the stuff needed to lean up the mess.
After this, they finally talk a bit.
One week later they chat further about stuff and laugh about mundane things.
It's started to get somewhere.. Until Eve feel the need to drink blood.