The only thing that matter to me is to succeed at things.
After all these years of trying and going nowhere.
I decided to take my own path, choose what is essencial to my heart
and take time for myself.
To just do it and keep going.
I might not be popular, rich and so on.
But I'm happy with what I am doing.
Living away from all the disturbance, politics and problematic sides of life.
Made me realise that most of these things aren't my cup of tea.
Right now it's winter time.
I have plenty of moment where I can relax
and do projects.
Go back to gym and etc.
I'm not going to adult school soon, but it's in the planning.
Once I get enough money and get the courage to study things I hate.
Like re-learning french.. And doing mathematics.
I figure that I could go to the library, learn good stuff while I have all the time.
I'm happy to be an author.
I hope that I finish my stories, and make people happy too.