I try to figure how the programming works, the boss fight is slightly ok. But the boss doesn't move, and I try to make it look cool..
Added new mechanics that doesn't works..
So pissed that I need to refigure the weapons and so on.
Added a baseball bat.
Need to understand how the minigun will sound, I tried to make it looped, but it isn't good.. The loud noises it makes is very annoying.
Story is kinda dull, dunno what its even talking about but the gameplay is the main focus..
Need a couple of weeks, maybe to get this right and finish it.
I put on hold the halloween game for now, cuz it is really hard for me to make the mystery ambience plus the technical issues I get on the movements set and the logic of the story is very lenghty.
So, I will try to get a short game done.
To add in my little accomplishment
After that I will settle it with the horror game. I need to train my brain amd get used to work with the program. First and for most.
Also learn how to make different puzzles and a menu for items, main menu for pausing and so on..