It's always those who train hard that people give a shit.
But when they are successful.
Everyone want to know about it and ask for a piece of that cake.
So, no. If I ever win big in my life.
Nobody is going to get their own piece of the cake.
Because you got to train for yourself.
Get strong, get better and don't give a fuck.
Alot of people love to ruin those who work hard by the way.
Because scumbags are worthless and that's how they
get something out of great people.
I expect nothing from anyone, but I am ready to see
bitches and losers that will try to bring me down
at anytime of the day.
With any dirt they can find, because they are afraid to work
for themselves and love to be lazy.
Good people do stupid things & bad people bring it up to look good.
So if no one read this and that nobody cares of my hard struggles.
I won't bother when anyone say shit about me.
I am a man who live in the now, who know who he is
and don't care about any crappy opinion.
For those who work hard, keep up the good work!
You got this!
Big W