I started to reconnect with my childhood recently.
Felt like my youth was adventurous, used to
explore the woods and had many moment
where I saw amazing things in the wild.
Like when the first snow started to fall on the hidden lake
in the back of my house. Or when the night was so bright
because of the moon. I remember my old friends and
me doing camping in the forest. We told spooky
stories and I often was the one coming with
the most original ones. Since I started
writing at age 11. It was like that, I had
so much creativity at this age.
Right now, I feel like I deserve to return to that
kind of inner inspiration. My mother always
told be I was the master of my own imagination.
I am grateful she allowed me to figure it out.
And also told me the balance between real
and unreal.
I read the never ending story back at 11 too.
Finished the Dragon Balls manga of 42 tomes.
Read the Papillon book too around age 12.
I was really not that afraid to read back then,
sadly in school. I didn't had that much
of a privilege to grow.
Even though I learned how to read at age 4
and was pretty darn good in mathematic.
The teachers never liked me, because
I was a little too smart to them. I never
liked following their rules too.
Yeah I was and maybe still is a rebellous kind.
Maybe I didn't changed that much, or did I?