Ever since the 2012 movie The avenger came out.
Something switched. The "Self aware movies" started to come out
and many jokes were made to break the immersion when we usually
watch a movie. You know, that feeling like you enter in another
world to see things that normaly doesn't exist.
Yeah, Hollywood kinda ruined that.
I mean, we still got some movies that are made to show a glance of this
lost art of storytelling. But does it feels right? Do we see movies that
are even original these days? Remakes, flat comedy, flat story
over everything.
Sincerity as lost its way in the movies, and I kinda feel like
its alright. Maybe we need to forget the time movies mattered
or had some magic.
So we can start paying for better stuff then these trash that
often come from companies that know zero way to
make honest and crystal clear stories that
people feel its essencial message..
Yeah, Hollywood have no message in their movies
these days. There is not even a sign of compassion
or true freedom in any of it.
Anyway, I rarely watch movies and I think it's better that
I ignore much of the "Modern take" of cinema.
In a more frank way to say this. I think the cinema of today is fully retarded.
They ain't fucking good.
Except John Wick franchise.
Honestly, you’re right. Movies nowadays are just boring remakes.
No offense, but it just doesn’t interest me and even the internet community doesn’t approve of this.