We just got the final verdict from the judge.
The landlord who kept stealing and harassing
Now he own us some money.
Yet, the judge didn't allowed full compensation still..
The landlord only reduced 10% of the rent and he
got to pay us like 1k.
The bare minimum, of course..
(We paid 2,5k & waited for 2 years for this..)
Originally it was 5k or more and 25% of reduction of rent.
Yeah, the judge allowed it none the less because my
family gived all the evidences with pictures and
recording of his misconduct.
The landlord also lied in front of the judge too.
Told the neighbors that we were scums and etc.
Oh and he plugged his cable on our apartment to take
electricity. Bill used to be like 100$ maximum & now
it rised to 300$ for like 7 months in a row..
Until we told the police of course.
Yeah, we won. But the thing is we are tired
to see this piece of filth getting slap on the
wrist even after that.
The landlord also went back to mexico..
Anyway, we plan to move out soon.
Which means I will have to get another job..
Ah, I can't catch a break am I..