I loved playing basket ball while the leaves fallen.
Seeing the sunset before heading home and
staying late watching Harry Potter 1 to 8. (7 is in two parts)
Making coffee in the early morning and go jogging at 7 AM.
Now november is there tomorrow. In Canada it's mostly
the grayest month ever. Then the first snow might fall
in the middle of the month.
I celebrated my birthday alone, but that's okay.
Needed some time to focus on my life, look at
what the future would be interesting if I set
my goals on the right path.
I started to think I might do a Twitch channel
or anything for fun. But no. Not right now.
kinda want to do my projects before heading to
a different directions. I might buy or look for
anatomy books and drawing guides.
I lack motion in my drawings, doing still
positions is really stiff and I just feel like
learning the right way to apply
movements and all.
Might help me.
I'll try to draw all the sports I know.
Did few of that like in summer.
Anyways, November will be fun for me.