It's 16 February. Nothing really special, just saying the date
so I can go back and count how far I will progress in this
new goal I will set to myself.
What I'll do is to work on something and post like just the first thing
after I finished the second thing. It's a sort of training I'm trying to do.
Might take me.. MMhh.. A while to make it doable.
So I can like prep my brain on becoming truly consistent in making work
and having stuff ready to post if I ever got shit going on in real life.
Also I got few USB keys to save my projects. Wish I didn't got through that
fucking files corruption at the end of January I think.
My keyboard seem to not work properly.. Sometimes. That's annoying.
Ah, anyway. For now I will avoid explaining or telling what I'm working on.
I think adding a feel of mystery on how I operate will payoff.
Just need to stop losing my progress this time.
That's it. See ya all.