Final Fantasy 9 was amazing and I hope they never remake it.
Vivi is one of the best black mage period, and all the cast is so
well made even to this day. Garnet the princess was so well
humanized and fleshed out. She was not just the lady in distress
who is either useless or mindless. But a person who have
thoughs of her own.
Zidane was the leader who is rised as a thief but became a noble
hero against all odds. Steiner the foolish knight who rised the
same rules by the book. But after seeing who the queen really
was. Turned out to make his own will. By not being a mere puppet.
Amarant was not really good to me, and I wish it was Blank that was at
his place. But any game has at least one flaw either in the narrative or
the gameplay.
I was still happy to save Blank after he was petrified.. Just was not satisfied
to keep him as a simple prob to the story and a none playable teammate.
But yeah, the story was amazing. Characters were so fascinating and so well
though out. What I loved the most is the use of stereotypes and the nuance
in their personalities. Something that to this day is still rare to go deep
like a 90s game does..
I wonder why it is so rare. I know some games try it, but I never saw
a game made it this charming and so natural.
Plus the Squaresoft team had 8 others opus that they worked on..
I think story was the main focus the team was fixed on, and they were so experienced.
It just shows.
This is what I aim in my life too, I want to have such experienced to subvert the expectations.
And it is an art that is starting to get lost through all the ignorance of today's standards.
Video game industry is getting a little bit dumber every year.. More "graphic and ass focused."
I just wish games like FF9 was on the same peak as from today.
Dark Souls was almost at the same peak.. Just that it lacks character in the main protagonist..
But the whole game has personality.
So yeah, I loved to finish FF9 and also I am a Dark Souls player too.
I think in the future I might blog about my video games experiences.
Hope to post some thoughs to what I like and love.
That's all for now!
See ya.