Well, first of. I think starting back like four years ago with only this chromebook
and drawing with a freaking mouse seem impressive.. Yet also painful.
I upgraded my knowledge and even become less limited in creativity. which is
what I aim for ever since I started out. Though right now, I seem to lack consistency
and go a little too farfetch in my visionary projects..
Well, failing isn't a big deal for me anymore..
Although, I think people might judge me as a unreliable
person for now, at least.. Can't really do much better after so many attempts to break
through. And I tried to give up too.
But my brain loves making arts and ideas. Experimenting with like, the muse in mind, the visionary
sight I have when I pass in the large scale of possibilities and so on..
Or the message I want to put in some artwork.
My quality sometimes is top notch, or just less than expected.
For now I try to learn how to make flowers, or other things sometimes.
Used to make like OCs for fun. Just to stick out of the loop of nameless
characters or to not get involved on a major big project.
I sorta went on an escapisism phase for a while, and now I'm just realising
what it's looks like.
To be honest, I feel like I made good efforts. Did some great stuff last years
and even begin to feel confident in being reliable to others. Sometimes.
I'm not an expect or a professional guy. I don't think I will ever be that type
of person who just don't talk and just work. Then ignore everyone like
if they never mattered to begin with.
Maybe I'm just human, and allow myself to be vunerable. Even with the risks and
what not. I guess I'm not the guy who likes to be silent completely like any
popular NG users out there.
Oh, and I don't really care of being popular anyway.
Never was my main focus when I started this on day one.
I believe I just wanted to feel connected in someway
with other people like me.
People who are just unique, being themselve and even with the dilemma
of maybe being reject or not. I decided to give myself a chance.
Letting everyone treats me like they treat themselves.
I guess that's how I deal with everything.
So yeah, I did good things the past few years.
And failed too.
I'm not a failure neither a fully remarkable artist yet.
Just a normal guy who thinks he can make a thing
or two out there.
With even my visionary personality
which dreams to go beyond what is my
own limits..
I think I might succeed.
If I stop stopping at it.
Or just maybe get help
from friends who want
the same outcome as I do.
It simple as that for me.
Good night everyone,
and I wish you all the best.
Thank you.
nicely written. You summed up the overall direction of more than one artist on (& off) NG with this entry, whether you meant to or not. It sounds like you have your head stuck firmly on your shoulders, which is good. Talent is a great asset to have but if it isn't handled carefully, it can be wasted or--just as bad--used as fuel to swell one's ego. That pitfall has ensnared more than one artist, including a few Old Masters.
As a guy who did get paid for his work for a few years & still makes things, I don't see what advice I can give you... If you're worried about it, try to develop consistency in your working method. Don't worry about style: That is something every artist either already has or develops on his/her/its own.
ZombieGhost (Updated )
Thank you @ShadenLines