Good morning.
Honestly its hard for me to be transparent over everything.
Even in here. But on the long run I feel less and less
stressed of the endless possibilities of going all out
in the art world.
Thank god newgrounds is not like youtube or twitter
and the likes of facebook.
Because I am really not happy with the rest of the internet.
Even reddit is crappy and batshit insane.
But here. I feel like I can let go. And be a real adult.
Be creative and open for change.
This is one of the last website for me that have a connection
to my childhood and that is accepting freedom of expression
through art and more ways.
So, it is still hard to get the gist of it.
Cuz, I am still cautious of the controversy things even if I don't have to
pretty much. Also I try to reach people out often in newgrounds.
Just to be social and open for new kinds of ideas.
I know, most popular creators ignore the forums and
say nothing to the majority.
But I am not popular, and to be honest.
I am personally happy to be an underground Artist.
That is kinda a great thing, because I can experiment
with my artstyle, make mistakes and try different
ways without people judging me everytime.
It is a breeze for me, but on the long run..
Yes, it's getting lonely doing shit all by yourself.
You can't get everything you want in life.
So, I actually try to be happy over all.
Ah, whatever.
The thing I am learning through this summer is the freedom
to experiment on many aspect of art and learn animation.
I also do my best to know anatomy properly and try to be less
excessive on exaggerating the stuff I do.
My big projects are still in the work, and seriously.
I wish they were done already.
So I wouldn't be all talk and no action.
Yet I am here and babbling about it..
I just hope I will post something worthy to my eyes.
Don't really care much about the people judgement
but still will respect the guideline as I do always.
I learned alot throught the short time I really was
creating on newgrounds.
Still got plenty of stuff to work with.
I am ambitious, but lack so many things to make it work properly.
Ah, sometimes that's better. Because it shows your true dedication
to your work.
Tiger Woods didn't got the best golf club when he started to play golf.
Yet he turned to be one of the few who stood out.
I don't care about his life choices though, that's another story.
But I am talking about professional skills.
I need to reach higher range in art.
Last year was a starting point into changing my knowledge of art in general.
Now, I am willing to thrive into my knowledge.
I don't care anymore of common consensus and so on.
My ideas need to break the limit of the public imagination,
and so is my vision. I disregard the Framing Effect in occurance.
To accept many point of view on the universe of the art world.
And I need to mark this statement, I rebel against the education system.
I never saw them being open minded on the art world, so I am not into
their dogshit opinions. The only thing they love is money and fame.
For me, my art is created to express something that is made more then
just what meets to the eyes. I want to cause emotions.
I want to make people think. I want to make people care.
I want to make them react to it.
Not just being another art in the pile of amateur artists.
I want my art to outlive me for the fact people will still
accept it as a piece of work with a soul in it.
That's why I want to understand many stuff and keep progressing
in many ways. Maybe for some people it sounds ludicrous.
But I don't care, I am capable to go beyond.
for the only reason that I have nothing to
lose to be honest with art.
I will respect the rules of newgrounds, but
won't shy away from the way to tell a good
story and do art that outshine my past work.
I have many cords on my bow.
And I am just at the start of this.
"On a metaphorical level."
My time to be who I always
felt I was inside is turning
into a blossom.
I still need to keep on moving as an artist.
And I highly doubt I will be able to learn
all the stuff for now.
But if I ever do a big animation set in any rating.
I will be relieved.
Alright enough for now.