So I will come to it without making an entrance.
Canadian Animation is quite something else.
Sometimes we get shit, or god awful level of animation.
Or, sometimes we get gold and a very special kind of animation.
Like to name a few in a list here.
- Martin Mystery
- Totally Spies
- 6Teen
- Cybersix
- Class of the Titans
Martin Mystery was about a dude in college or something who work with an agency that take
missions over monsters and etc. There was a comic book based on that, Martin's step sister
was actually his wife in the comic.. Whatever, but the cartoon was okay.
Totally Spies was more a girly show for girls. I actually liked to watch it none the less,
it wasn't all about dumb shit that is thrown in the episode or anything. I liked the friend
teamwork or the funny jokes. There was nothing really cringy about the girls doing
girls stuff. Plus seeing them living together in the start of some episodes and also
changing clothes from episode to episode was quite cool.
Nowadays, most cartoons keep the same outfit to prevent over saturation of work
in animation.
6Teen was great, it was about 6.. Teenagers who all try to make a living while
hanging out in the mall between shift or a break. Jonesy always losing his job
on every episode because he lies in his resume.. Nikki was my favorite on
this show, always snarky and smart. Anyway, I didn't watched all the
episodes, but I know the story vary on all the group from episode to
Cybersix is one strange take on anime with canadian artist.
It's like a ghost in the shell type of vibe, the heroine is acting
as a guy by day and become a batman female version with
a black panther as a side kick.. Very cool stuff overall.
I didn't watched much of it as a kid, since it was always
too late at night. There is only 13 episodes of it.
Which are concluding to the final. There is a mature
them in it and I think I could watch it now somewhere
on the net at anytime.
Class of The Titans was about teenagers that are the offsprings of
the greek demi gods I think. With one guy being just normal, and the
others were like Hercule, Midas and what else. I barely followed the
plot of it. But it was an avenger thing before the movies of Avengers
in our current time.
And to add few bonus mention that's isn't Canadian but I love about it.
- Archie's weird Mysteries.
That show was a gem on itself. It's a mix of Scooby Doo and X-Files. With Archie writing the stranges
adventures he gets into, like a living murdering car falling in love with him. Or him turning into the
invisible man or fighting a Queen Bee and her hive.. Yeah this was something more than just
you boring scooby doo format. Every episode had it's on take of something you may or might never
though of. I still love to watch that serie from time to time.
- Scooby Doo Movies (Zombie Island & The Witch's Ghost)
These two movies were the peak moment of Scooby Doo to me. The fact there is real zombies
in On Zombie Island was just done right. Seeing them in panic because of a real threat.
I saw this movie on Teletoon. And it always used to play around Halloween.
Then they made The Witch's Ghost. Which had my favorite fictional girls band. The Hex Girls.
I swear, even if Warner Bros tasked the writers to tone down the maturity of the context of
making a "Real Monster" for the team of that time. They really delivered a good side plot
with some amazing new characters. I think I used to have a crush on Thorn.. I just loved
her personality and yes a Eco-Goth is a win for me.
The plot of the witch being real and a ghost to add it. And the final being so horrying.
I just loved that.
I know it came out direct to VHS and of course Warner Brothers were like
"You can't scare the kids from a cartoon made for kids." But damn, the fact
these two movies were a real treat and felt like movies..
I dunno, it was like catching a lighting in a bottle almost twice.
But after that, Warner Brothers really murdered the rest of the new age of scooby doo after that second take of the "Real Monster" movies. The third one was about aliens. But I swear, aliens never was interesting for me.
And when the fourth came out in the 2000s. I just noticed a more toned down of
what the first movie used to have in it.
-Final thoughs about Canadian's animation-
There is always a strange noticeable way the animation move in it, the characters talk in a weird matter.
Or its look okay. But overall I loved that childhood of mine.
I think I'm going to draw these characters. In a more lively matter that is.